Technological Tools to Engage the Learner

As an educator in a classroom I have a set of tools that I use daily – the most frequently used being my voice and body language.  My face to face (F2F) students have the advantage of my being physically present in the classroom – moving amongst them answering questions immediately and providing instantaneous feedback and guidance.  So where does that leave my online learners?  Are they hanging in limbo?  Are they at a distinct disadvantage because they chose to take the class that was offered in a different medium?  Absolutely not!  In fact I think they have the greater advantage with the opportunity to learn more and have more fun!  My online learners have access to all the tools I have in my handy dandy instructor’s toolbox!  Online there are various methods of communication available that allow the learner to take advantage of what is most comfortable to them!  Often learners will drop me an email with questions or concerns and I respond within 24 hours but they also know that if they need immediate attention that I am just a phone call or text away!  Each evening I am available via Skype as well as in the discussion area of the classroom.  My online students have far greater access to me and the materials than do my F2F students.  This is not to say that the F2F learners cannot take advantage of the same technological tools they just often choose not to for whatever reasons.   Perhaps it is the unspoken standards or rules that seem to exist in each learning environment.  The same engaging tools such as video presentations, podcasts and E-Book are available in both class settings but it is the online learners who utilize these offers much more readily and frequently.  Again it is the 24/7 availability that appeals to the online learner.  By using as many technological tools as possible I am able to fully engage my learners where they are mentally and physically – eliminating barrier to sharing knowledge!

Below is a graphic organizer I have created to show how all the technological tools feed into creating a sysnthesis of content, communication and collaboration that results in active fully engaged learners! 

Click on the text – Graphic Organizer to view.

Graphic Organizer

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. vidamartin
    Oct 29, 2011 @ 06:56:24


    Great graphic organizer! You have offered detailed coverage of the tools and techniques available to create social presence and therefore a communications model that supports the realities of community and collaboration. Doesn’t it seem as though distance learners are having all the fun? Perhaps face to face learners are not motivated to use such tools as they know they will see the instructor once/twice per week. Online learners, however, are aware that their only means of contact and receiving feedback is via these online tools that are of no cost to them and relatively easy to use. Great post!


  2. Rashida Brown
    Oct 29, 2011 @ 17:49:45


    You have an interesting perspective since you have experience with both face to face and online learning. I like how you call them the “unspoken standards or rules.” I enjoyed reading your post and your graphic organizer is interesting.



  3. Trackback: Tools and Strategies for Online Learning | Educational Technology
  4. Heather Rogers
    Oct 29, 2011 @ 17:53:26


    I enjoyed reading your post about your prospective on face to face classrooms compared to your online learners. I had never looked at it that way, and reflecting back to courses I have taken I find this true. I had a difficult time arranging meeting times with professors, but in the online community I have never had that issue. Great graphic organizer as well!



    • amusingmoose
      Oct 30, 2011 @ 00:17:45

      Oh – it was always a nightmare trying to fit a meeting in with an instructor and back then you never called an instructor on the phone! There were those hallway sign up sheets and then you had to show up early to be seen!


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